Michael Wagner Discusses How to Select Municipal Bonds with U.S. News & World Report
Earlier this year, falling interest rates and struggling state and local finances in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the municipal bond market. Now the muni bond market has stabilized, and many investors are considering muni bonds from both inside and outside their home states in hopes of diversification, higher yields and tax-free returns.
However, before investors add municipal bonds to their portfolios, it is important to take the time to select the right ones. To learn more about selecting municipal bonds during the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. News & World Report recently spoke with Omnia Family Wealth Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer Michael Wagner.
According to Wagner, it may take time for the pandemic’s impact to filter through state and local governments. As a result, investors should consider the source of a muni bond’s revenue before incorporating it in their portfolios. For example, Wagner says revenue bonds that back essential services or infrastructure projects may be more secure than general obligation bonds that are usually backed by property-tax revenue.
To read the entire article in U.S. News & World Report featuring Omnia Family Wealth’s Michael Wagner, click here.