Investments At Omnia
Because we are independent from any bank or brokerage firm, it means we are free to search the world over for the best investments for our families. It means we are opportunistic, taking advantage of episodic market events. It also means we are discerning, choosing only those investment managers we find compelling.

Global Access /// Insightful Approach
We’ve spent years sourcing investment opportunities from all over the world, so we have a keen understanding of how markets work, and what defines a smart investment. With relationships and resources to access a broad spectrum of investment managers, our investment decisions are informed from empirical research from numerous sources.
- Private Investments
- Alternative Investments
- Fixed Income
- Global Equities

Guarding Against Risk
Our investment philosophy is built on a foundation of managing for risk, rather than chasing short-term portfolio performance. With a vigilant watch over the risks that can harm your portfolio, we focus intently on where volatility is coming from in the markets, and where it could come from in the future. We consider how your assets are correlated – even those assets separate from those we manage.
- Thoughtful allocation
- Constant rebalancing
- Tax-Sensitive Approach
- Expense Control